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There are many aspects to a recruitment process. Here, we have gathered guidelines and tools that are relevant before candidate selection, for the job posting, and for the job interview. If you want shorter, printable versions of the material, you can find them here.

Printable material for recruitment

Position planning calculator

Position planning calculator


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Recruitment process

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    Recruitment process for hiring tenure-track assistant professors, associate professors/senior researchers, professors; senior advisors, clinical professors

    From the application deadline:

    1. Shortlisting: 3 working days
    2. Review committee consultation: 3 days
    3. Evaluations: 2-4 weeks
    4. Evaluation consultation: 3 days
    5. Interviews conducted and hiring decision made
    6. Salary negotiation initiated with selected candidate
    7. Employment contract sent, position commenced
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    Recruitment process for hiring research assistants, postdocs, assistant professors/researchers; external lecturers, teaching assistants, clinical instructors, clinical assistants, clinical lecturers, instructors in social theory and methods in social work education, and assistant/study lecturers.

    From the application deadline:

    1. Shortlisting: 3 working days
    2. Evaluations: 2-4 weeks
    3. Interviews conducted and hiring decision made
    4. Salary negotiation initiated with selected candidate
    5. Employment contract sent, position commenced
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    Recruitment process for hiring technical-administrative staff (TAP)

    From the application deadline:

    1. Selection of candidates for interview
    2. Interviews conducted and hiring decision made
    3. Salary negotiation initiated with selected candidate
    4. Employment contract sent, position commenced

Recruitment process

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    Step 1: Needs analysis, job profile, recruitment plan, possible selection of recruitment agency, and obtaining offers.

    Step 2: Job posting, establishment of hiring committee and evaluation committee.

    Step 3: Attraction, employer branding activities, selection of media, and search.

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    Recruitment process

    Step 4: Advertising

    Step 5: Shortlisting

    Step 6: Interviews, personality profile, reference checking, and selection of candidate

    Step 7: Recommendation for hiring and salary negotiation

    Step 8: Employment contract

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    Step 9: The onboarding process will start