Ending your stay
When you leave Denmark, there are a number of practical matters you must pay attention to. We advise you to review the informaiton on this page as well as to visit the 'Practical matters before leaving' page on www.lifeindenmark.dk.

Lifeindenmark.dk is the English subsite to the common public portal in Denmark borger.dk, aiming to provide public information and self-service solutions.
Lifeindenmark.dk is updated on an ongoing basis in connection with legislative changes, etc. and efforts are made to ensure that all texts are updated and correct. Lifeindenmark.dk is, however, of an informative nature and not a legal work of reference to rely on.
For information about ending your stay, please visit the 'Practical matters before leaving' guide on Lifeindenmark.dk.
Below, we have summarized the main topics relevant for international citizens, who consider leaving Denmark.
When you move from Denmark, you must deregister from the Civil Registration System (CPR). You can do this online or by contacting the citizen service centre in the municipality in which you have lived.
Please visit Lifeindenmark.dk to obtain more details.
When you leave Denmark, it is very important that you notify the Danish Tax Agency (SKAT) about your new address. Leaving Denmark and deregistering your address from the national register will not automatically cease your tax liability to Denmark.
You are recommended to call the Danish Tax Agency shortly before your planned date of departure from Denmark.
Please visit Lifeindenmark.dk to obtain more details.
We recommend that you keep your MitID when you leave Denmark, so that you are still able to access e-boks and digital post to read important emails.
Remember to order an extra printed code card before you leave, to reactivate your MitID app on a new device just in case.
Please visit Lifeindenmark.dk to obtain more details.
When you leave Denmark, you can either choose to keep your Danish bank account or close it. However, we recommend that you do not close your Nemkonto until you have received your tax assessment notice as any tax refunds will be credited to this account. This also goes for reimbursements of e.g. utilities or deregistration fees.
Your account will be closed automatically, if the account is not used for a longer period (usually 2 years) and it will require extensive paper work to take out the money after your account has been closed automatically.
You are recommended to talk to your bank about the best options for you.
Regardless of where you are going, you must always inform your Danish bank of your new address abroad.
Furthermore, we recommend that you contact your insurance company to terminate your insurances and to enquire about your insurance coverage in connection with your relocation.
In case of termination of employment, days of holiday, which have not been taken, are disbursed to the employee. As far as possible, employees on fixed-term contracts, for example PhD fellows, research assistants, etc., must take a proportionate amount of accrued holiday before the term of employment ends.
You can have all your earned holiday allowance paid out whether or not you take holidays. Before your holiday pay can be paid out, your remaining holiday must be settled by the university and you must receive a letter from Feriepengeinfo in your eBoks.
The conditions to have your holiday pay paid out are that:
- You must leave Denmark permanently and deregister from the Civil Registration System (CPR). Read more about how to deregister under 'Deregister from the Danish CPR System' on this page.
- You need to request your holiday pay at www.lifeindenmark.dk within 6 months after having left the country.
However, if you have not agreed on a holiday settlement yet and you need to work out how much holiday pay you have accrued, you should contact the HR Servicentres. If you have not received a letter from Feriepengeinfo or if you have questions regarding your holiday pay, please contact the HR Services.
Furthermore, please visit Lifeindenmark.dk to obtain more details.
Aalborg University recommends that you contact your pension fund for information and guidance on what to do about your pension savings when leaving Denmark.
Please notice that you can not have your ATP Livslang Pension paid out if you leave Denmark. Read what to do at ATP Livslang Pension.
When leaving Denmark, you must destroy your yellow national health insurance card (sundhedskort) as it only applies to individuals living in Denmark.
Non-EU/EEA citizens who hold a pink residence card are required to destroy the card upon leaving Denmark. The card must be destroyed if you are leaving Denmark permanently and if the card is no longer valid.
Before you leave the country, remember to obtain your (and, if applicable, your family’s) medical and dentist files from your family practitioners. You may need them at a later time, where it might be difficult to obtain them from abroad on short notice.
You have to notify your children’s school, after- school club, kindergarten, nursery or other care provider of your departure. In the public sector (e.g. kindergarten and after school clubs), you usually have to give one month’s notice in writing. If you fail to do so, you may be charged for an extra month.
Please visit Lifeindenmark.dk to obtain more details.
If you have a car registered in Denmark, you can take it with you to your new country of residence. However, you need to de-register the vehicle in Denmark.
In certain cases, you may be entitled to a refund of the registration fee. It is also possible to buy a new car with border plates (no tax or VAT).
Please visit Lifeindenmark.dk to obtain more details.
Please note that leaving Denmark entails a number of changes to your rights. When you deregister from the Civil Registration System (CPR) and relocate to another country, you simultaneously lose your entitlement to social security in Denmark.
We recommend that you check which social rights you are entitled to in the country to which you are moving, before you leave Denmark.
When you leave Denmark to live in another EU country, some EU countries require documentation that you have been covered by social security in Denmark in order to be covered by social security in their country.
The E104 form proves that you have been covered by Danish national healthcare, and will shorten any waiting period to join the new country's healthcare. Only people who are leaving Denmark and have deregistered with the Citizen's Service can obtain the form.
You get the form by contacting the public authorities in your new contry of residence, who should send the form E104 to Udbetaling Danmark. Udbetaling Danmark is the Danish authority in charge of questions relating to social security and international health insurance in Denmark. Udbetaling Danmark will then send the E104 form to the public authorities in your new home country.
For further information on the E104 form and social security, please contact Udbetaling Danmark.
You must read your meters before you move out and inform your providers (the utility companies). Otherwise, you risk paying for more than you have consumed and you may be held responsible for the consumption until the next resident registers as a consumer at the address.
The Danish postal service, PostNord, can forward your mail to an address abroad for the first six months. Registration can only be done online using an online form.
Please note that parcels, magazines and advertisements will not be forwarded when you change your address to another country.
If Post Nord is not notified about your new address when moving out of Denmark, your post will be returned to the sender.
What to be aware of as an EU/EEA citizen
Upon leaving Denmark, you may transfer your periods of employment and unemployment insurance from Denmark to another EEA country. This will be possible if you have been employed and insured against unemployment in Denmark.
What to be aware of as a non-EU/EEA citizen
If you have been working in Denmark and move to another EU country, it will not be possible to transfer earned rights from the Danish unemployment scheme.
However, if you move to one of the other Nordic countries, it will be possible to transfer earned rights from Denmark.