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competence development

Group performance and development review

What is grus?

A group performance and development review is a forward-looking, development-oriented dialogue that focuses on the development of a group/team. The group performance and development review is a supplement to the individual staff review. The review is an opportunity for dialogue and reflection between manager and staff group on the staff members’ well-being, motivation, competencies and development. At the same time, the review focuses on the connection between the group's task completion and development and AAU's visions and strategies. The goal is to strengthen the group as a stronger learning community.

A group performance and development review is about:

  • The group mastering tasks and contributing to AAU's core task
  • The group experiencing meaning in tasks and working based on AAU's strategies and visions
  • The group experiencing cohesion and collaborating on tasks
  • The group recognizing, valuing and respecting each other as professionals and as human beings

The group performance and development review is particularly rewarding as:

  • Prelude to or follow-up on the individual staff performance and development review
  • Tool for a shared understanding regarding restructuring, new teams, start-up of projects, etc.

How to conduct a group performance and development interview (GRUS)

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    When you, as a manager, prepare for the GRUS-conversation, you must:

    • Update yourself on the team's tasks, strengths, weaknesses and motivation.
    • Clarify how strategy, goals and visions can be made concrete for the team, and how their development needs fit into the overall strategy.
    • Assess the need for new development goals and competence development as well as the possibilities of realising them.
    • Clearly communicate the purpose of GRUS to the team, including focus areas and expectations for the conversation.
    • As a manager, you are responsible for the interview process and must consider the purpose, desired outcome, and the importance of the physical setting.
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    • Use the conversation guide for GRUS and the process guide as a tool for dialogue and discussion. Go in-depth to the questions and make sure to articulate all the dimensions in the GRUS conversation guide (Mastery, Meaning, Belonging and Potential).

    End the conversation by discussing how to proceed:

    • Make a note of important development agreements in the follow-up form.
    • Agree on the person responsible and time frame for follow-up.
    • Consider how you will measure success.


Do you have any questions or would you like to know more?
Write a mail to the HR Well-being and Development Team
HR Well-being and Development Team